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Project | 01
Safe Street for Women​

This research project was developed under the mentorship and funding from the Arab Families Working Group ( AFWG) through their Training to Engaged Research Pro-gram. The Training took place in Cairo ( Oct.2016 - March 2018).  AFWG was funded for this project through the Ford Foundation, Cairo.AFWG can be found at  .I am especially indebted to my mentor Dr. Mona Khalaf (RIP) and training leader: Dr. Suad Joseph, University of California Davis , and the trainers: Dr. Islah Jad; Dr. Zeina Zaatari; Dr. Barbara 

Project | 02
Conference Paper
Approaches of Climate Adaptation and Resources Efficiency in Urban context, with special reference to roads adjustment with cycle route in Hamburg and Cairo
The 1st NRC-Grenoble INP International Conference on Science and Sustainable Development - National Research Centre

Project | 03
Graduation Project​


Cairo University, Faculty of Engineering, Architecture Dept.

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